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Big dick Marcos

Puro big dick energy but he can’t stand you hoes

Yo it’s big dick Marcos”#hoesaintshit

by #freehim November 21, 2021

Luke’s big dick

A hot guy that has a massive dick and can pull anyone

I wish I was Luke’s big dick

by Cocks magic June 20, 2023

pulling up with big dicks

the act of going somewhere and being the fucking man.

“we going to be pulling up with big dicks at the party

by yungcashfuckingcarti January 15, 2018

Big dick

Big dick is your penis not small

Your meme good the council will decide your pp size
Oh! surprisingly you have BIG DICK. Nice good so job.,.,

by GHKing December 21, 2019

Big dick

A 3rd leg on men that is big.


Friends: Woah that's a big dick
Me: Ikr

by Mjoemama January 29, 2022

Big Dick

The type of things that an Emerson would have

My balls are itchy emerson has a Big Dick. we should hop on

by PenisLordKingJulian April 1, 2022

Big dick

Something you will only find with a black person

Girl: You have a big dick!
Black guy: We we’re all born with one biiiiitch!

by Beepbeepsuckmydick December 4, 2021