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big breasts

A Rule34.xxx tag with over 1.6 million posts, mainly because most people like big breasts and even larger ones. Also an alternate word for large breasts, but the term "large breasts" came way longer than "big breasts" does.
If you search this up on r34xxx, you'll see posts with this tag even though the Rule 34 wiki definition states that it was smaller than the head, are full of huge ones, or even hyper ones.

Outside of Rule34.xxx, it's also said twice by Turkey Tom in his "Puppychan: Artist Insanity" video.

A lot of people like big breasts, because they find them hot. Not all people like them, some people like small or medium ones.

by ぴょち February 22, 2024

big breasts

a certain internet rule tag with half a million posts with this tag. (is also another word for large breasts but on that site it only has over 1 million posts)

there are posts tagged with this are mostly larger sizes and not the actual boobs smaller than the size of their head.

Example: pokemon big breasts serena (pokemon) / 1234578

by ぴょち December 20, 2023

big breasts

A Rule34.xxx tag with 2 million posts, mainly because most people like large breasts and even larger ones. (huge, gigantic, and the fiction-only hyper) It's also an alternate word for large breasts. The term "large breasts" is much used more in mainstream sites than in boorus like e621 and the aforementioned Rule34.xxx.

"Big" is synonymous with "large", but Danbooru uses the "large_breasts" term. But because "big" is more common than "large", "big breasts" is used instead in some boorus.

According to e621.net; "Due to the tag implications, huge_breasts and hyper breasts imply big breasts, meaning larger sizes of big breasts will appear in searches using the big breasts tag."

Big breasts approach the size of the face, but they should not be larger than the head. If the breasts are larger than big breasts, then they are instead huge breasts.

Outside of Rule34.xxx, it's also said twice by Turkey Tom in his "Puppychan: Artist Insanity" video, then goes by saying "comically large breasts"

A lot of people like big breasts, because they find them hot. Not all people like them, some people like small or medium ones.

by ぴょぴょ August 3, 2024

dog breast

Tits on a female that closely resemble those of a nursing dog, being triangular shaped and flat.

Damn, Beverly would be fine ass hell if she didn't have those dog breast.

by 4realthough February 12, 2024

chicken breast brain

Someone who’s brain would resemble a raw chicken breast: smooth and pink

“I could never get on academic honor roll, I got that chicken breast brain.”

by Chaoticrat May 20, 2024

Guided Breast Grab

Where a female takes someone's hand/and or hands and puts them on her breast

Guy 1: Hey dude, my girlfriend just took my hand and made me grab her tits
Guy 2: She did what?
Guy 1: She took my hand and put it on her tits
Guy 2: Ohhhhh, she guided breast grabbed you

by Just_Some_Random_Definer August 26, 2022

breast ripper

device used to rip the breasts off a women

I'll rip your breasts off if you keep bitching

I use a breast ripper to rip off breasts

by tacowithpeanutbutter11 September 4, 2022