A flashy and sometimes un-tasteful piece of clothing , usually a really bad Hawaiian short-sleeve button-up.
Could also apply to someone who doesn't seem to look good in modern fashion or has retired to Florida.
Tom- Jeez Mat did you see Jake wearing that ugly shirt?
Mat- Yea that's such a Brett Shirt, he should hire a personal clothing coach.
A great person and a better friend.
You should have that Brett Mellul greatness!
Man with large sexual body parts. Women tend to flock him. He can split and lay wood with the best of them.
Synonyms: muff, muffler, smoke stacks
brett Hileman will split you in half
a complete cyclepath
professional Hitman
Hanson Brett gon fuck it up
Brett Murphy is another word for someone who goes on corn hub all day
Yo man, stop being a Brett Murphy.