When you spend a lot of time with a person in close proximity and development strong feelings for them. Will most likely happen at summer camps or other similar activities. You will usually lose interest in the person, once you stop hanging out with them 24/7.
Guy 1: "Hey, how's it going with that Heather girl you were in love with at camp?"
Guy 2: "Oh, her? I don't like her anymore. She was a camp rush."
The condition of one's "crotchal" area after a significant amount of time camping without showering.
Shew! After 7 days camping in the backcountry, I have serious camp crotch!
The aroma that a woman's nether regions emits when she's been camping in the woods for several days without bathing.
Did you get a whiff of Jane's camp snatch?
When a boy and girl decide to like each other at camp, but the relationship SHOULD END after camp is over. Don't try to do long distance, I promise it won't work. Camp things are meant to fall apart. If you are absolutely in love with each other and swear that you're soulmates, maybe one day you'll be brought back together. (and if you meet at camp YOU MUST get married there) you have to.
Friend 1: So Annika do you think you and Will N will last after camp?
Annika: No, it was just a camp thing
One who is socially awkward/less then popular at school, but claims that at camp he is not only is he extremely cool, but gets an insane amount of action with hot girls and "3 quarters of a hand job."
guy:"hey sebo, who are you talking too?"
camp kid:"My hot camp friend in new york. we made out so many times."
guy:"whats her name?"
camp kid:"um ale- jes- Jillian"
camp kid:"what?"
The cuntish out right refusal to do something....I mean anything, for less than valuable reasons....hense, cuntish.
Even though the plans had been made for weeks, Billy instead that campings off because she was having a bad week.