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(Cole-een) (Cole-ee)

Shy, quiet, and timid until you get to know her. She is caring and has a big heart for those she cares about. Even though she is beautiful and talented she only sees the flaws in herself. Coleen is a joy to be around even when she is down. When you are sad or upset, Coleen will do anything in her power to make you feel better. Self criticism is her specialty no matter how often she is told how amazing she is. If you find a Coleen/Colee, keep her and tell her that she is amazing and beautiful and talented and a ray of sunshine every day. Even is the sunshine is mixed with a little bit of rain.

Did you see Coleen/Colee, she’s amazing

by Cloudnine223 April 23, 2019

Cole Comanic

Pretty Sick

Person 1:Who is cool
Person 2:Cole Comanic

by errttyjtsysty June 25, 2021

Cole Custard

Race car driver for Stewart-Haas Racing

Cole Custard is evil >:)

by racingflxmes October 24, 2020

Cole Steber

The person who is always automatically blamed for everything, whether you know a guy named that or not.

teacher- "why did you throw meatloaf at that old lady?"
you- "it was Cole Steber"

by kentuckypimp May 7, 2005

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Classic Cole

The simple act of mucking without return.

Some may say this is an act of kindness and others may say it is an act of weakness.

"Dude what happened last night you were in the room for like an hour????" "She didn't give me anything in return....I...I think I pulled a Classic Cole"

by Swyler Anderson July 29, 2012

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Cole Sprouse

Child actor from Disney Channel. Now a peasant and hated by all of tumblr.

Person 1: Hey, did you see? Cole Sprouse deleted his tumblr. It was all a sociology experiment.
Person 2: I trusted him! That peasant!

by lolgoaway November 18, 2012

372πŸ‘ 188πŸ‘Ž

Cole Trickle

A skid mark left behind in the toilet bowl after flushing has occured.

Billy: Man looks like you pulled an ole' Cole Trickle.
Tom: Yeah buddy,my turd hit turn 3 pretty hard.

by Dirtona5 March 1, 2011

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž