Wow, Rachel's diddly-do is a freakin bush! When was the last time she shaved?
When one acts like Jack Kendall by vomiting a lot after drinking one Smirnoff ice and a spending the rest of the night with his head down the toilet.
James: "Have you seen Mike?"
Benny: "Nah man, he's doing a Kendall"
James: "What a cunt!"
Steve: "That party was off the fucking chain last night!"
Jarad: "I know man, I drank so much I nearly ended up doing a Kendall!"
Informal, often used in UK. Something you say when something is reasonable, similar to fair enough.
"Nothing much, you?"
"Fair do's"
(Doctor Who)
Wilfred: You know, I don't understand half the things you say these days.
Donna: Nor me.
Wilfred: Fair do's. You've had a funny old time of it lately.
The oposite of Doing the Most. When someone has given up and isn't even trying at all.
Girl 1:Why is the bartender wearing yoga pants and no makeup?
Girl 2: She's doing the least.
Where you decide that yourself and ya brah are pulling out da flannys for a special occasion. (Flannelette shirts)
Ay brah, do-flannin tonight?
Brah: yeh fam
When a girls belly hangs out more than her titty do.
A rather generic phrase used to show you're better than someone because you're braver or more stupid
Man-If you ever see a tornado, you should throw something in it
Friend-Why? That's dumb
Man-Naw, I'd do it
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