When someone appears to be walking confidently, but they're actually trying to knock the cowshit off their boots inconspicuously.
"Chuck walked in here this morning I thought he was in a good mood but he just had farm swagger. Now I've got to mop the floors"
When you find farming too easy and you need to “turn em’ green” in order to hit your weekly targets – It is common for the leader of the farm shout “Farm Harder” in order to ensure you “turn em’ green” and hit your farming targets. When it is shouted it is common to hear all the other farmers shout back in unison “Farm Harder” and this is usually proceeded by everyone “Farming Harder” and enjoying a cold Beer to celebrate hitting their farming targets. You could also shout “Up the Baggies” to illicit the same response.
Farm Harder...everyone is now farming harder to hit their targets
A breeder who is not a Domestic Animal Business.
These dogs can be born and raised in horrible conditions. Living on top of each other without proper vet care. These breeders can often have sick puppies without any health guarantee. Buyers can be left with huge vet bills and with the breeder nowhere to be found.
Even a breeder who may have a nice website could be a puppy farm if they are not a Domestic Animal Business.
I would never get my puppy from a puppy farm!
digging around in public ashtrays/ashcans for partially smoked cigarettes
The hotel valet saw a homeless man tobacco farming in front of the hotel.
A noisy location where one cannot understand the topic of discussion of those in that location.
SCREAM It sure as hell is a turkey farm here.
Where a farmer and his lady resort to sex at a farm location in most cases a tractor. Farmer gets completely naked as does his lady however, he puts his boots back on for maximum grip and foot protection to ensure maximum penetration.
Did you hear joe and stephanie ditched the party last night for a little farm fun on his dad's John Deere?
What you get when you merge the insurance of Progressive, All State, and State Farm.
Guy: "What's your insurance plan?"
Guy 2: I have a prostate farm."