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feel bad

Also, feel bad about. Experience regret, sadness, embarrassment, or a similar unpleasant emotion. For example, I feel bad about not attending the funeral, or The teacher's scolding made Bobby feel bad.

I feel bad about what I said. Things haven't been easy for either of us.

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd September 1, 2019

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Feel the suck

Where something is really bad and you can feel how crapy it is.

My life is a pile of crap and I can feel the suck.

by The Fury 13 November 24, 2010

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Feeling the Bern

When you r completely tired and bored of watching the election but u like watching bernie

Ya it was 4 am but I was up all night feeling the Bern on uoutube

by Bernie for the win March 9, 2016

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dog feelings

Those feelings so often exemplified by dogs,
such as intense excitement, eagerness, undying loyalty, and sudden apparent shame.

He had always been a man who appeared to experience a spectrum of dog feelings which were so clearly written all over his face.

by Dr Bunnygirl July 25, 2023

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Je feel

โ€œI feelโ€ except the I is translated to โ€œjeโ€ (French). A very popular local slang amongst Canadian school kids who learn mandatory french.

โ€œYo that was rough eh?โ€
โ€œYa fam je feelโ€

by $wagmaster September 15, 2019

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feels on wheels

Really intense feels. Like, really.

"Yo, were you legit crying after that episode?"
"Yeah, I was all like feels on wheels."

by Ca$hflo Aiiight January 22, 2017

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Feeling [Sunday]

When you're feeling too relaxed and too slow for no particular reason, resembling Sunday drivers.

Tom: Watch it man, you almost walked into that pole.
Jim: Yeah man, I'm just Feeling Sunday.

by Elle Kay July 29, 2008

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