The official alternate name for Port Perry, ON, a small-minded little shit-hole town on Lake Sludge (aka Scugog) that pretends to be normal, but has several residents that set the pace in being assholes. I lived there for five years of unpleasantness both at home and at school. The assholes, who proudly know who they are, were mainly the always cowardly bullies that attacked from behind and hung out with fellow cowards. Some are still there and lend their special stench to the little town that couldn't (be normal that is). They included mainly the high school drop-outs and some of the so-called teachers in their third-rate schools. Glad to get away from Fort Fairy. P.S. - there are some good people there too, but you have to deal with the scum as well, and they spoil the town and make it ugly. Not recommended as a place to live, unless you're just like them, in which case you'd fit right in. There's bound to be some kids half your size there that you can attack from behind and run away dragging your fat ass behind.
I used to live in Fort Fairy, Ontario, where you have to be a high-school drop-out and full-time cowardly asshole to get along with the locals.
A city that calls the police on a guy dressed like a chicken for making people of all ages laugh, while sending their kids to schools that cover up sex crimes and give those kids PTSD.
Did you hear about that city Fort Wayne? Yeah. They care about some crazy guy making peopke laugh, but knowingly send their kids to those that cover up sex crimes against kids, and give kids PTSD.
To smell like shrek’s swamp mixed with a gallon of sweat.
Wow, I can’t believe how bad he smells! He smells like a Fort Dave.
without a doubt the best school anyone could ever go to. the teachers, staff, and students are amazing. everyone is there for each other no matter what. it is one big family. no other school can compare to this one. all the teachers actually care about you and how you’re feeling. they’ll sit down and help you one on one when you’re struggling. classes are small and there’s not a lot of students so it makes it easier for teachers get to know each and every student in a way that teachers at other schools cant. Hope High is like a second home.
Fort Zumwalt Hope High is an alternative school for struggling students.
A zippy Mexican built subcompact sedan
Didn’t you hear? Jimmy purchased a used KIA Forte, damn thing hauls ass
Kelly St Fort over there? Oh yea she’s the bop of all bops.
When you put a blankie over your bean bag to have sex under without others seeing
Let’s have sex in our fuck fort, it’s safer there.