Any male posing as a female to give men oral sex though a Glory Hole.
Many men are unaware that on the other side of the Glory Hole may be another male, or what we call a "Glory Goblin" .
An Ass Goblin is used to describe a person who you encounter and don't know much about, but you know "I would hate to be them". A person can be an Ass Goblin for many reasons such as a Karen yelling at the cashier because her order was wrong or a crackhead asking for money outside of the gas station. An Ass Goblin is a very unpleasant person, it could be by actions, looks, or general stupidity. Ass Goblins are a true enemy of the public and should be avoided at all costs.
Freind 1: When I went to the gas station earlier everyone there was an Ass Goblin.
Freind 2: What where they doing?
Freind 1: There was this fat smelly guy buying four 2-liters of soda in front of me, then the cashier put my money on the wrong pump, and when I went back in a crackhead asked if I would get alcohol in exchange for a "good time".
Freind 2: Damn, bro where was that, because I'm never going there.
when someone thinks they have everything and wants to show off but really there just a bitch
Wow Jenny such an uberlicious goblin
A very spiteful showing of a posterior, specifically belonging to a goblin.
Charface Charlie spitefully showed his goblin moon to the snobby harbor master.
When one turns into a goblin becoming extremely aroused, usually caused by having swamp ass
Horny goblin: jack is on sabbatical honey
A part of the body often used to conceal goods such as the butthole or underboob.
His prison shank was found in his goblin pocket.
Getting got by The Key Goblin, is a common phenomena where a person puts down a small object (keys, remote or phone) to do a quick task only to come back and be incapable of finding the object
Person 1: I got up to go to the bathroom and now i cant find where i put my keys
Person 2: Sounds like the key goblin got you
Person 1: Fucking Key goblin