Celebrating Christmas under government restrictions. This also implies that the government is making the people poor so Christmas is not as fun. This can also include other holidays, commonly interchangeable with the desired holiday or occasion or simply used to refer to the Winter season.
Gee. I hope our kids never have to go through another Government Christmas next year. Damn, we broke.
Saying something even worse then what actually happened (still usually bad but not necessarily) to subvert expectations and make someone less upset about the second thing.
Person A: "I accidentally scratched your car."
Person B: "What!?! How bad is it?!"
Person A: "Actually, I just scraped your side mirror, but it should be fine. I was just pulling a government to subvert your expectations.”
when the government randomly just loses a lot of money
yo did you hear the government colapsed government collapse
“Government sponsored terrorists” was created by the well known Men’s Equal Rights activist & Show Host Tommy Sotomayor (TJSKOC)
Generational welfare recipients that believe being on government assistance is not only a way of life but a goal. Once they move into an area they bring down property values, destroy neighborhoods, are untrained destructive people that only exist so their single mother could get welfare benefits.
Man, I’m moving the hell out of this area as soon as possible. These government sponsored terrorists are doing daily driveby’s robbing everyone & have destroy everything around here. The property value has plummeted because of them.
Provincial government court Weapon restrictions used to facilitate torture and murder 1
Madd is contractually committing agist rape the use graduated licensing to extort agist rape using Nazi oppression threw provincial government court
being fucky, making peoples lives harder, messing with your shit, etc
Anyway, President Obama is going to have to change his style of governing.
The government doesn't NEED to watch you. So long as you accept the propositions of the Universal Submission Ethic I know EXACTLY where you are. I know where you are on Sunday. I know you need to work hard and be friendly so I know where you are going to be Monday through Friday.
Conspiracy theorist "ThE gOvErNmEnT iS wAtChInG yUo!"
Hym "I don't even need to watch you to know where most of you are and I'M actually being watched so I don't really see how my thing isn't worse than your fucking DATA."