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fap happy

to be addicted to masturbation, usually aided by such visual stimulation as pornography or ponies, or peonies.

"Man, Chris is such a crappy fucking guy, his lazy eye creeps me out and his fap happy tendencies leave me bothered and concerned."

by Divisionbear May 15, 2009

32πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Happy Monday

"Happy Monday" is a weekly internationally distributed email based newsletter full of breasts that keep you Happy on Monday’s.

It's subscribers belong to "The Kingdom Of Happy Monday" - a delightful and wonderful place, headed by King Monday and his loyal band of sub editorial merry men - "The Tittie Committee".

According to legend, on thy 8th day God created the Boob. And God saw that it was good, but lonely. So on thy 9th day, God created another. And it was...awesome. He then made sure King Monday took control of Boobies worldwide given his great appreciation and knowledge of them to spread the joy to the people of the Kingdom.

Why Happy Monday? It's simple - don't hate Mondays! It's one seventh of your life! If you die when you're 70, that means you spent 10 whole years of your life complaining that it's Monday...and that just won't do.

So thanks to Happy Monday, subscribers don’t complain anymore - instead riding into their week with a sunny disposition after learning to spend one seventh of their lives being truly happy, giddy and occasionally taught to be a better person.

Apparently, a woman's biggest annoyance is having a man talk to her chest all night. On the other hand, a man's biggest annoyance is seeing boobs he can't touch.

Happy Monday aims to help men learn to maintain eye contact.

Lots of Love and Boobies.
Subscribe to: friend@happymonday.com.au

Happy Monday...This shit just got real

by Happy Monday August 8, 2010

65πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Cyanide and Happiness

Unlike the dumbass who just made an opinion above me. Its a web comic with hilarious jokes. Some people don't like it, some people do. You can find the series in www.explosm.net

Guy 1: Cyanide and happiness is so awesome!!!
Guy 2: It sucks dicks.

by Bicko August 18, 2007

915πŸ‘ 308πŸ‘Ž

happy place

The mental state achieved when one wants to avoid the unpleasant or uncomfortble. Everyone's happy place is different, and usually consists of the things that make them joyous.

Mindlessidiot: "...and so I was like, that's so disgusting. You should get that checked out, and he goes..."
Semi-saneperson: "Dude, shut the crap up. I'm in my happy place!"
(Mindless idiot continues rambling aimlessly until Semi-sane person smacks them with a bag of frozen fish sticks.)

by MandyM November 16, 2005

182πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

happy shopper

1) A chain of small supermarkets.

2) Someone who shamelessly manipulates others for their money - differing from a gold-digger in that a happy shopper usually pesters their friends, parents etc. rather than their partner.

3) Someone who is very good at using image manipulation programs, especially Photoshop, and often photoshops things for their own amusement.

4) Someone who obtains others' unwanted items for free.

1) Just going to happy shopper for a six-pack.

2) Jay wanted me to lend him another fiver today, but he's not paid me back from the previous twenty times. I'm starting to think he's just a happy shopper.

3) Seen this great pic? That Jay's a right happy shopper!

4) Drag the old sofa to the kerb, some happy shopper'll take care of it.

by JackBlue October 4, 2007

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Miss Happy

To be fuckworthy (of large breassesses)and shallowly moronic at the same time.

"Most women in Hollywood are Miss Happy in their presentation."

by Ponce DeLeon February 18, 2003

20πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Happy Period

A slogan for Always (the makers of feminine hygiene products). The slogan must have been made by men, because any woman knows that periods are a rather unhappy time.

Have a happy period!

The only way I could have a happy period is if I just had a pregnancy scare.

by Hana12343214 May 1, 2011

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž