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am kids

nickname for the young cast of the disney show, andi mack. consists of emily skinner, peyton elizabeth lee, sofia wylie, asher angel, luke mullen, joshua rush, darius marcell, millie simmonds, molly jackson, raquel justice, garren lake, and various others.

did you see the photos of the am kids at the music awards?

by bambikippen March 7, 2019

Smart kid

That one kid that when the teacher says “groups” it’s (most times) the first kid that you look at and some other people too. And you probably don't know his name.

Teacher: Okay class now this project we are gonna do it in groups.
Jake: I wanna be with the smart kid!
Bob: No, I am going to go with him!
Smart kid: alright imma head out

by Randomguyintheworld December 29, 2020

Howard's kids

The term used to describe undesirable persons born in Australia after 2002 to dead shit bogan parents who bred just to get the $3k-$5k baby bonus introduced by the Howard Government.

The crime rate in Australia is beginning to spike as Howard's kids come of criminal age and you 'aint seen nothing yet!

by KindExtremist July 31, 2019

Xbox kid

A 12 year old spoils beat who always cries and screams on Xbox live especially on battle royals games

It’s that damn Xbox kid again. I think I can hear his mom telling him to shut the fuck up

by Beatlesfan18 May 30, 2019

ukulele kids

A group of middle school or high school students mixed between vsco girls and emos They typically bring an instrument to school and try showing off in front of people when they can only play the same few notes or songs.

Do those kids ever play anything other than Twenty One Pilots?

They’re ukulele kids they can’t help it.

by mingamoto September 24, 2019


A generic term referring to a person who grew up with VHS tapes on his/her childhood. A minority of VHS Kids are from Gen Z when a majority of them are from Gen X and Millennials.

VHS Kids are just different as DVD Kids

by Ryan900USAYT December 11, 2022

tour kid

one of them heads that's always on tour following some band or ragin' festies... may live in a van with six other stoners, hustlin' town to town blowin' up the spot on lot at every show...

phed rage lot kid tour

Yo, I was a tour kid for like five years and went to 42 Dead shows...

by wandering a June 2, 2009