Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result
Trying something over and over again, only getting worse as you try.
I have tried so many times to correct this quiz, I have reached -insanity.
a word to describe the actions caused by the one and only Valentin (@subconjunctival) when consuming non other then PICKLE JUICE. seems to be off meds often, but manages to still pull it off well.
"this.. is quite literally the definition of insanity you're watching someone drink pickle juice."
goal for a person who want to be different
!i achieved insanity
How do you get insanity? Well look at the example.
person two: *dies by insanity*
Nick: I watch megamind every day,
Cool person: that's the definition of insanity.
Man 1: “Did you hear what Paula white did today?”
Man 2: “Yeah”
Man 1: “It was insanity”