Source Code

Benji Isaacs

Interview of The story of Benji Isaacs:
"When I was little, I had a cousin who died, no actually though. He died of brain cancer. Umm.. when I was five, I broke my arm, and ugh. I fell down the stairs because I was being an idiot. My cat died a few days this was published. Um... no happy moments cause my life was sad. Oh god. For the past 6 weeks I have heard weird noises in my house. And I've started hearing noises of my dead cat. I'm... fourteen. Um... *laughs* im not the dumbest person in the world; at least I don't think I am. Im not gay. I sort of have a girlfriend. I told some of my friends I had one and then I told them it wasn't real cause then she dumped me. I did not cry when she dumped me. After that she wanted me back but I said no cause he dumped me. Her name was lily. She was smoking hot - that's what one of my friends said. She was fourteen. Lily has green eyes, and blonde hair. She is very smart. Out of 10 on the hot scale, I would rate her 8.5 - 9.9. "

That boy over there is Benji Isaacs

by ADAM GILL June 27, 2019

Isaac valadas

Isaac is a boy which every girl likes. He has a big nose big lips but that doesn’t worry them. He normally has an Edgar cut and all girls love him! He’s mini Mike Tyson because he’s so good at boxing. If you see a Isaac run away because he will run after you with eagle toes

Isaac valadas is cool

by Valadas1221 February 13, 2023

isaac rios

Bomb ass muthafucka. Gives bomb dick and loves getting gunked. Basically a Greek god in bed.

Yooooooo did you hear about Isaac rios?
(Woman) who hasn't he gives bomb ass dick!!!!

by Rickthe ross October 17, 2017

isaac thompson

A blonde headed crazy boy, who says in appropriate things learned by his older brother. He's a follower and picks up girls by being a JERK.

Isaac Thompson really needs to go away

by Ang to the t April 14, 2017

isaac burt

when you meet an isaac burt, he will become your lifelong friend. he will be the sweetest person you will ever come across. isaac is a very flirtatious guy, with a outgoing personality, but he will always prioritize you over anyone. he is a very attractive guy with soft, silky hair. isaac is one of my favourite people in the whole wide world and he means everything to me. He is the sweetest guy, who will give 110% into the relationship you have with him. isaac gives the best hugs and his shoulder is always there for you to cry on. when you meet an isaac burt, you are the luckiest person alive, you need to hold him close to your heart, treasure him forever. he is the best thing that has happened to me.

PERSON 1 "whos that attractive guy over there?"
PERSON 2 "oh thats isaac burt!"

by iasnanc October 18, 2022

isaac king

Is a very stupid person who likes to sing inaprioite songs all the time and point to teachers saying it's the first time for you

"Is the first time for you" Isaac king

by Amyysyyyyyxxxx May 24, 2017

isaac strock

The man who has all the balls in the world
All the girls in the world beside one (Mia)
He his The Legend 27

Isaac STROCK threw a ball at Mia in the face and she went home that same day

by Robbyweirddick April 11, 2019