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Dawn of Justice

A subtitle added to a joke movie title, usually in the form of X v Y: Dawn of Justice. Usually used when referring to a cynical crossover event and/or a tonally-off grimdark retelling of something originally intended for a younger audience.

The name comes from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, an infamously cynical grimdark story about the two comic book characters.

Some day, Hollywood is totally gonna make Rainbow Brite v Strawberry Shortcake: Dawn of Justice

by AyapecYilan June 17, 2019

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warthog of justice

The combination of two players (one driver, one manning the machine gun) driving the Warthog (Jeep-like vehicle) while playing multiplayer HALO for the XBOX.

It's time for the Warthog of Justice to kick some ass!

by Phil Reese July 28, 2003

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Spirit of Justice

The 6th main series game in the Ace Attorney series. It's also the worst game in the series as a whole.

Person 1: "Spirit of Justice fucking sucks"
Person 2: "Yeah"

by Pidgeomn January 3, 2023

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Social Justice Warrior

Or SJW. A term that bigots use to insult people who don't like their bigotry - someone who fights against discrimination and hatred, annoying people who like to discriminate and to hate. Hard to believe that basically calling somebody as righteous as Martin Luther King Jr. is now an insult, but the Internet is a sad, sad place.

It's always hilarious to hear SJW used as an insult. "Social justice warrior" is the basic plot of most '80s action shows and cartoons. Arriving in places and fighting against discrimination? The A-Team were social justice warriors. It's practically a synonym for Knight Rider. Insulting someone for respecting other people is like insulting them for masturbating -- the fact you don't do it has way more to do with why you're so upset all the time. (Luke McKinney, Cracked.com)

by igm30001 September 30, 2014

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Nigger Justice Warrior

A non black person who engages in black rights activism. They are also usually getting piped by every black in sight, male or female.

"That girl in the middle of the BLM protest... wasn't she getting gang banged by a bunch of blacks yesterday?"

"Haha yeah, she's a total nigger justice warrior"

by sendbobsandveganapics March 21, 2020

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Science Justice Warrior

Someone who attempts to reform scientific nomenclature for the sake of making things less arbitrary.

Person 1: "Pluto isn't a planet, and neither is Jupiter or Earth! Planet is a dumb name that means 'wanderer.' We should use 'World' or 'Planemo' instead!"
Person 2: "Stop being such a Science Justice Warrior, bro."

by Gregrox Moon July 8, 2016

cinematic justice warrior

Someone who obsesses over movies they don't like, to the point of making a personal crusade out of them. Often have an Objectivist view towards these movies, believing that everybody should hate them, and anyone who doesn't is clearly low on intelligence. CJW for short.

"Jesus Christ, now they're doing Aquaman? When are people gonna wake up to the fact that DC movies are fucking awful?"

"Okay, I'm going to shut you down right now, pal, because I have no patience for that cinematic justice warrior bullshit."

by Alex Stockwell April 17, 2017