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Sir adem the llama

Sir adem the llama is a respected noble with an cuboid head. But he is a llama who is deemed high in the ranks

MOLEMAN Squeked "Sir adem the llama stop touching boys"

by Sire Tyrone pussio November 11, 2021

titty llama

A llama with a bunch of titties flapping all over the place.

Look at that titty llama bounce.

by Ryleahj October 17, 2017

talya fama llama ding dong dolan garrix

The biggest fangirl with the best sense of humour you will ever meet.

She's crazy over that DJ, she's such a Talya Fama Llama Ding Dong Dolan Garrix

by Lifithellama February 19, 2016

I’ll give you my llama

Something to say to a Latino chic

Slang for I’ll give u my penis

Como te llama
“Oh, i’ll give you my llama

by BitchAs February 17, 2018

I’ll give you my llama

One way to pick up Latino chics (or guys if ur gay) in bars

Also slang for I’ll give you my dick

Como te llama?”
“Oh I’ll give you my llama

by BitchAs February 17, 2018

Llama Turtle

Someone very sociable but needs companionship.

Gentle, shy and very curious. There calm and have common sense, which makes them easy for everyone.

Someone that takes a really long time to catch on. Slow at learning.

Your a Llama turtle.

by QueenAlthea May 18, 2022


A friend group of 7 people that have alot of drama😝. But they still get along really well. That friend group has been alive since August of 2022. There is a person in the friend group that probably isn't in the fg. But I don't know

"I want to join drama llama but I'm not close to them."

by LOVEYABOO March 25, 2023