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Sanyasi mess

A world class mess....benchod....gaand maralo

Sanyasi mess put in Everyday sambhar , dal, roti, chawal...neither tempting not advisable

by Hunger_hope November 24, 2021

Messed up big time

Ope! You don't get rights now and you gotta do whatever we say forever now and we get to steal your stuff!

A retard "I guess you messed up big time huh?"

Hym "In the absence of a full audit of what exactly happened in relationship to this... It's safe to assume that the people saying things like that are just lying. Lying to avoid complicity and stealing to recoup theoretical losses. Like, the people who are doing the stealing... Are retards and alleged sister molesters. So, no. It can't be considered recouping losses because it isn't about what's being stolen. It's that they want me to be stolen from regardless of the cost to themselves. Be being stolen from is more important than the risk to children or the threats. So, don't let Destiny's retarded ass make up the imaginary rules for social interactions. I cannot allow you to do this to me. I don't need to stop you. You cannot stop me. This is the only dynamic that is relevant. I do not need to be accountable to you. It doesn't matter whether or not it's a bluff. You're just going to keep doing what you're doing and pretending you're not. Your only goal is to preserve the ability to manufacture mental illness as a way to circumvent the law. 'His words don't mean anything guys!' Ridiculous."

by Hym Iam January 9, 2025

Keen for the mess

When your keen no matter the outcome.

Yeah come through big Homie I'm keen for the mess 😹💯

by LADYPAC June 30, 2022

messed you around

cause someone problems, especially by acting unfairly or indecisively.

"get your own back—make him sorry he ever messed you around!"

by Arminkshipper January 1, 2025

Mess of a bloke

Derogatory term for a man who does something to the annoyance of his friends.

Ben: we going online tonight?
Stuart: no Darryl is playing football for the 5th time this week
Steve: mess of a bloke

by BShields90 March 27, 2022

beautiful mess

A situation where things get out of control in a fast and furious fashion and there is no way to stop it. Usually caused by a misunderstanding about one person(s) overreacting to a remark, a gesture or just plain hunger pangs. It only gets worse when egos are lost in the mix and backtracking is impossible.

She told him that he needed to see a counselor since his dog is looking at him compassionately. He overreacted by stating that there was nothing wrong with his tie, that his life is great and that he dresses the way he feels like. The dog had licked the shoe where a drop of soup had fallen. The beautiful mess got messier with the disappearance of the evidence from the shoe.

by heavenly grace November 20, 2021

Mess with the labbo, you get the stabbo

Labrador Retrievers are the sweetest dogs EVER, that is until you mess with them. If you mess with a Labrador Retriever, it is NOT gonna be good for you. At all.

Human: Hey Benny, do you want to...
Labrador Retriever: *perks up*
Human: HA!!! Just kidding.
Labrador Retriever: Mess with the labbo, you get the stabbo.

by Pialinist November 23, 2023