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A word or phrase embedded in culture used as a shorthand or quirk of speech. Common examples vary, as slang in the United States is constantly dying and starting. Slang is short for Short Language, although often manifests as made up words that have barely any relation to their base word.

Jimmy: “Yolo, yeet, poggers
Grandpa:”Stop it with all that slang you whippersnapper!”

by frindjinny6 November 28, 2021


When a word is changed to create an informal way of saying it.

Dont speak slang in school,the teacher will be cross.

by ENGLISHGURL March 16, 2023


Slang u azs down, you know a word and changue the way you telled.

Slang that @$$ ...

by Desiredtoname September 5, 2022


Stay lost all night g

Let's slang today

by Whendingo December 6, 2021


A confusion.

Julie: Whats lol?
Brad: Just slang.

by Katie654321 February 16, 2016


The abbreviation for "short language"

"dude, slang is literally short language made shorter but combining the words" "dude."

by ksjt February 24, 2017


Basically a definition of a word but the definition has a different meaning

That's why urban dictionary exists

Here is an example of a slang

Word: lasagna

Real definition: an Italian dish made of stacked layers of thin flat pasta alternating with fillings such as ragù and other vegetables, cheese, and seasonings and spices such as garlic, oregano and basil.

Slang Definition: the vagena of a woman

by Sebby294 April 18, 2021