Source Code


crazy, mental person

Del: Alright, ladies and gentlemen. It takes two people to run a concert: one back stage, and one out front. One man alone cannot do this. Wayne, you will run the backstage team. Milton, you are my liaison between Wayne's backstage team and Garth's front-stage team which includes myself in the booth. To the left and right of the stage are machine-gun pillboxes, M-60 Browning. Now these babies tend to heat up so shoot in 3 second bursts. In the event of capture I will personally distribute these cyanide capsules to be placed under the tongue like so. Places a capsule in his mouth Any questions?

Garth: Yes, I have a question. When did you turn into a nut-bar?

by Shomaster February 24, 2006

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nut licker

Someone who licks a scrotum.

His nose is up the boss's nut sack so much, what a nut licker.

by MrFreeman88 March 2, 2004

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honkey nut

A term used in Western Australia as an alternative to "gumnut". Describes the woody nut or seed pod of the gum tree, specifically the gumnuts of the marri tree "Eucalyptus callophylla". Useful for throwing at enemies or friends and family.

Let's throw honkey nuts at the smelly kid.

by gumbyhonkey September 22, 2008

78๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soup to Nuts

Start to finish

P1: Did you watch the state of the union address last night?

P2: Soup to Nuts

by BSQUARE March 4, 2004

177๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

taking the nut

when you are sucking a penis and the person ejaculates in your mouth and you swallow it

stacy likes taking the nut because she says spitters and quitters

by taking the nut June 27, 2017

chode nuts

Someone with really fat, gargantuan, giant balls. You can interpret this two ways:
1. He's got nuts so fat, they're comparable to a chode
2. Referencing the One-Two combo that is Dick and Balls

Person 1: Did you see Brendon's chode nuts?
Person 2: How fat are they?
Person 1: Last time I checked, they were 8.36 meters in diameter and .72 nanometers in height.
Person 2: Damn.

by pinjer September 30, 2018

nut purse

A small yet yummy snayck that holds your nugs.

Synonyms - scrotum, scroats, gum

Fuck bro... i think i split my nut purse

by Ass nut August 25, 2018