The Raw Oyster, The Sexual act involving cracking a raw egg into your partners vagina and then proceed to scran it back out.
James: So David you finally do it with Beth.
David: Do what?
James: The Raw Oyster!
David: Oh yeah.. Shit was Fantastic!!!
The act of VIGOROUSLY digging in a women's HooHa for maraschino cherries
The doctor told my wife she lacked vitamins so I gave her the Oklahoma oyster
Noun: A damp piece of bread with a glob of cum in the center
Verb: To cum on someone and the stick bread to them with the cum
Richard: We really need to go shopping we only got whole wheat bread left!
Keith:Or you need to stop using the white bread to Oyster Crackers every bitch you bring home.
A male Donald Trump Supporter anywhere from the greater Pacific Northwest...
That rally will be full of oyster crackers in Bremerton today....