When someone eats shit from a police horse during a post Super Bowl riot.
"Eat it! EEEaaaat Iiiit!" screamed the crowd. The drunk in the Randall Cunningham jersey took the dare, got down on his hands and knees, and took an enormous bite of horse shit. Geno's Steaks added the Hot Philly Special to the menu the next day.
A philly cheesesteak with a twist! It's a philly cheesesteak with dill pickles as the bun.
Can I please have two big ol' Philly Dillys with extra dilly.
An emergency medicine term for a woman’s vagina.
Today I pulled $10.28 from some woman’s philly pocket book.
Philly is a Very loud, passionate and excitable, avoid at all costs. Slays at rowing however does not require the concept of slumber, if angered by wench's (Eve) shall become distraught and furious as well as abusive
"the pope got attacked in a hysterical rage due to him being a wench, he got Philly'd"
an amazing person that is caring, beautiful, and smart. she could pull any guys or girl she wants. she is the best person
"yo bro who got u smiling like that'
"philly did <33"
Philly Blunts were perfect cigars to smoke marijuana with when gutted.
A group of horses that you, like, kinda want to have sex with.
The crowd roared as the Phillies took the field on a faithful hot summer afternoon that would ultimately steal my youth.