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best genre of music. makes country look like absolute garbanzo bean which it already is

yo im bout ta rap
i like cats do you like cats?
im gettin money
jump higher than a bunny
red jello tastes funny

by SIlkeeeeeeeeeee July 24, 2020

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RAP is a dialect of slang terminology that can only be appreciated by the non-intelligent, unintellectual, elementary educated type of people who employ extremely poor speech on a regular basis, due to the belief that it sets them apart from mainstream society.

The vast majority of people under 30, today like RAP because they believe others perceive them as "cool" or "hip" or "a gangsta", or "tough".

by shomesomethin July 11, 2010

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A genre of music that usted to have merit,but now is promoting a society of rich white kids who think they are part of the "black" society. In fact black kids who don't listen to rap are considered not black by these stupid stereotypical white kids.(for more info on this see look up "ghettofab")

I'm gonna open up a radio station called KRAP and it's gonna play rap all the time :P

by Benphomet June 22, 2005

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RAP is a genre of music...don't be hatin on it if u think it sucks, its actually good music. ppl who say it sucks and is the worst music ever is full of shit. u cant just use stereotypes. and if u actually listened to it u would know that rap is better than you think

50 cent is one of the best rappers in the world

by lil trigga February 22, 2008

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A genre of music which is only worth listening to for the beats. But why waste your time when there's so much better stuff out there? Rap doesn't even take talent. Making beats can take talent but rapping only takes talent if the person can flo(make rhymes from the top of his or her head). It has some of the worst lyrics in music ever. They say the n-word at least a half a billion times, being sexist to the point of downright woman hatred, advocating drug use, and glorify crime in general. People say this is "black culture" which is an absolute insult to blacks. It's as much a representative of black people as minstrel.
They use the word nigga over and over but if a white person said the same thing he'd be called a racist(see double standard.

Now of course not all rap is as bad as Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Ludacris, 50 cent and the like. I've listened to plenty of rap including underground hiphop. Now underground hiphop isn't as bad as the mainstream stuff. But it still sucks.

Wigga1: Yo! You check out G-Unit's new shit?
Black Person: No, I don't like rap music
Wigga1: zomg, you're not black!!!!!11!oneone!
Black Person: Racist

by abortedjesus February 1, 2007

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nigger shit that completely fails ape shit.
Its the worst attempt to be catagorized as music.
many people will argue that if you take away the lyrics, what do you get: background music.

yea but if a nigger starts to rap, his mouth does not produce hip-hop/techno/electronic/orchestral (or whateever REAL music they steal to put in background) along side w/ his lyrics

i actually appreciate music, while all this jigaboo nigga nig nig sweat smelling rap is making the usa look bad, making music look bad, and making the human race look bad in front of everything that lives (and even inanimate objects)

1nerd walks up to the cools guys and say HEY GUYS CAN I BE COOL NOW?

2if you take steven hawkings and sped his computer up and put him on a mic to speak poetry on stage #1

and had some sort of hip-hop beat on stage #2

people will get mixed up and think steven hawkings sounds great even though its just stage #2

guy 1: hey im a music producer and im editing rap on my computer, i have background on one pan and the lyrics on the other
guy 2: turn on the first pan, yea that sounds pretty good
now turn both on, still pretty good
now turn off the background music, holy fuck, is the lyrisist hopped up on morphine??? get this shit outta here
guy 1: let us never speak of this genre again...

by ahwonesahsesss January 25, 2010

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RAP - The reason our culture of today is going down the tubes; by its inflamatory lyrics Rap encourages todays youth to enbrace a culture of gang related violence, drug and acohol abuse, lack of respect for women and law enforcement. Rappers claim that all rockers do is scream and moan about their problems which rock does not do but more likely modern punk and emo music. They also say that we need a whole group of musicians to make music while they only need one, which might be another reason that their music is so alienating. One of the finer points of music is a group comming together in all its parts to make a song, while rap is mostly words talked out to a beat. Another thing is that rappers say the distorted guitar sounds like a fart ( a distorted guitar is one of the best type of guitars) well if you think that chances are your listining to a bad guitarist, listen to some good guitarist like for example....... jimi hendrix, jeff beck, duane allman, jimmy page, eric clapton, kirk hammit, jerry cantrell, kenny wayne shepherd, and the list just keeps going on. and also thay say that the drums are just hitting things with sticks, let me say its actualy work to play drums...and again thay might be listening to a bad drummer. it takes talent to play rock. so rap take some singing lessons, and pick up and instrument.........a guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, even a harmanica anything ( there is nothing wrong with harmonica by the way). and write about real stuff well your at it too.

rap sucks cock. rock rules. rap die out sooner rather then later.

by penn con January 28, 2007

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