You can get a Rosenberg rash if you sleep on the mattress without a cover. You can’t imagine what goes on on those mattresses. I know what I do on them, and I pretty sure I am not the worst. You do not want to start thinking about it. First the rash starts around your ankles and works it’s way up your legs. If you get it on your dick, it means that you got drunk and tried to fuck the shower drain again.
The remedy for this rash is the same as for chlamydia and gonorea…. Diesel.
Rubb the infected area with diesel 3 times a day for 3 to 6 weeks and you should be fine.
“ What kind of rash is that on your nutsack and penis-shaft?”
“ it’s aRosenberg rash. I got it from my momma”
An itchy, red, patchy rash that occurs on your genitalia/ or mouth. Usually appears after making a regrettable decision while influenced by alcohol. Sometimes referred to as the Roubideaux Rash.
Around a week after the night Austin didn’t come home from the bar, Jill became nervous about the itchy rosebud shaped rash starting to appear. After a quick visit to the clinic she soon realized Austin had brought home the Rosebud rash, and shared it with her.
An irritated discolouration of the skin around the finger joints usually brought about by prolonged exposure to japanese anthropomorphic personifications of obscure antipodean mammals.
1: Dude what the hell is that on your knuckles?
2: Oh man it's just something I picked up the other day. Doctor says it's called Echidna Rash.
1: Gross!
2: Nah. It's not as bad as the other week when I had the Botniks.
1: Don't wanna know...
After gettin mudbutt, term used to show advanced stages of the mb , usually after a long day of walkin on the golf course
Ryan: Dude i gotta sit down i got the grundy rash
Homer: dam son i only got the mb
A girl who has a rash on her face. And knows it.
"She's just a rash girl and she knows it"
(tO tHe TuNe Of DrAkE - HoLd On WeRe GoInG hOmE)
This means to stick your dick and balls into a gay dudes asshole and take it out with poop on it
I got road rash on my back wheels