Source Code

Table of Indie

Emo - Scene - Indie - Hipster - Metro

A table helping to identify a specific subcategory of human, usually male.

Nathaniel: you are far to the left on the Table of Indie, Jesse. Don't lie to yourself.
Jesse: but i still get the chicks.
Nathaniel: ...

by Jesse Earl Sterling Lerch May 31, 2006

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

indie girl

Well this is how to spot/be an indie girl.

First we will start with clothing:
Denim and leather jackets, duffle coats or a faux fur coat.
Skinny jeans in black or dark blue, denim mini skirts or denim hotpants.
Vintage dresses from the 50s/60s.
Band t-shirts and tops that have a lot of sequins.
Old jumpers with holes in.
Waist belts.
Gold bangles, lots of rings and gold necklaces and beads.
Scruffed up ballet pumps and old skool trainers and ankle boots.
Anything leopard print.

Scruffy and messy
lots of layers
bangs that go all the way into your eyes
or maybe a straight bob
black, brown, blonde hair or bleached hair

Make up will be fairy natural but often they will have smokey eyes and amy winehouse eyeliner.
Red lipstick for special occasions.

Nail varnish will be red or black

Indie girls:
Know of a million bands that you don't.
Know a lot about most kinds of music not only indie.
Go to gigs in grotty venues and pubs.
Drink vodka and coke.
Are arty; making music, painting, photography, making clothes.
Are intelligent and know about current affairs.
Have read lots of books.
Love art house films and cult films.
Only go for indie boys and they are even better if they are in some band.
Always do well in school.
Smoke marlboro reds or lights.
Some even roll their own but only Golden V or white drum.
Mostly are skinny so they dont look fat next to their indie boyfriends and can share skinny jeans.
Go to the music festivals like Glasto or Reading.

go to any klaxon, jamie t, kate nash gig and believe me there will be hundreds of indie girls!

by ruby_blue January 31, 2008

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indie punk

one who takes a relaxed approach at opposing the mainstream; has the unnoticeable characteristics of one of the "indie" scene, but also will join any form of opposition to the mainstream. such indie punks may find themselves contradicting themselves, as hipsters and punks tend to be the two opposing sides of non-mainstream culture.

How the fuck does an indie punk make sense?

by dj telekinesis March 13, 2010

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Indie Kid

ok so i know there are heaps of definitions on here but they're not all true.

maybe indie kids are interested in indie/alternative music because the lyrics and the songs are more meaningful or they just like them more. but that doesn't mean they spend the whole day online looking for unknown bands

a lot DO wear vintage clothes/acid wash jeans/headbands/... but not ALL.
i'm not saying that if you do you're just fake
but if you don't it doesn't mean you're not indie

being indie is more about appreciating the music and being yourself. not caring what other people think.
and indie kids generally don't like people who are trying to be indie because it's becoming "cool"
you can see the difference between a real indie kid who's just being themselves and a wannabe

wannabe indie kid: oh my gosh one of my indie friends sent me a really awesome song last night.
indie kid: cool. who's it by?
wannabe indie kid: this band.. called franz ferdinand or something?
indie kid: that's not indie you know. that's just a mainstream pop song that was given the label of indie by the record company
wannabe indie kid: what do you listen to then??
indie kid: umm.. bonaparte, auletta, black kids, late of the pier,...
wannabe indie kid: ...?

by indiemink June 29, 2009

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indie kid

Listen to bands you've probably never heard of.

Wear clothes from thrift stores including cheap striped shirts, anything with animals on them, scarves, and faded tight jeans.

Have polaroid pictures of themselves on their Myspace.

Indie kid: Does this horribly faded wolf shirt from the 80's look terrible on me?

Clerk: Sure does.

Indie kid: Cool, I'll take it.

by C_M November 21, 2007

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Indie Fashion

'Indie' is short for Indivdual. Indie can be used in many ways to describe unique music, clothes, photos and art.
Indie fashion is unique to every person. People who make there own clothes or try different things instead of buying what there friends are wearing and following the crowd. Indie clothes are trendy and make you stand out. Rarley are Indie clothes brands name, most of the time its vintage/retro/home-made.

Indie Fashion Example...
#1 'wow look at sophia, whats she wearing?'
#2 'Yeah I want that printed top, where did she get it?!'
#3'Oh she made that the other weekend'
#1 'what about those boots?!'
#2 'she got them in these markets on holiday'

by rara2345ss. August 13, 2011

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indie kid

Indie kid's are usually well spoken, smart, well educated people.They refuse to wear anything chavvy E.G tracksuits.
They have hair that is so un cared about it looks great, the more appearance caring indie kid may have a side swept fringe though.Waistcoats,drainpipes, converse, badges, printed t-shirts, topman is a good shop for indie kid's.
generally nice,happy people, quick witted, funny and very nice looking.

Bands such as The pidgeon detectives, The Arcade Fire, The waterloos, and some can get away with Hadouken!.

Trend Follower-I like indie music.
Indie kid- oh really? who do you find good?
trend follower- oh, well i like a bit of the fratellis and i like snow patrol's new song.
Indie kid- that's not indie, thats popular chart music, pop, please next time tell me you follow all the others.

by Indie-cindy-boy September 5, 2007

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