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darcey is a synonym for nonce

omg ur such a darcey
did u just call me a nonce

by robloxgamer346899976 February 5, 2022


Adam, the kiddy fiddler

Wow Jimmy Savile is such a Nonce

by Gunsmoke November 16, 2018


A kind, loving person. Cares for their friends and loved ones.

My dad is a nonce

by snapplaysminecraft March 15, 2021


Someone who deliberately plays for snookers in a fun pairs game.

Dave and Jack are nonces for slotting the white in behind the black.

by Nonceynonce55 June 13, 2019


A classic English insult that Americans get really sensitive over.

Calebs a right nonce, he has bad acny and bo. He doesnt have any friends and id=s a tag along. Also hes shite at gta

by Wagwaninitgheegetmedatspliff September 8, 2019


A person that has an affectionate attitude to a person not of legal age

That Max guy seems like a bit of a nonce I'd keep him away from schools if I were you

by Jota be kidding November 24, 2019



A nonce:Chance, darktoes and Joi and mb fluffy

by YourNan'sBoyfriend October 4, 2019