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pro rage

Rage in which the player is upset for a valid reason other than being new or a novice at a game. Similar to noob rage with respect to language and loudness, but the underlying reason is different.

Pro rage typically occurs when a game mechanic malfunctions, causing an unnecessary or unintended death. Examples include lag spikes, bad hit registration (FPS), weapon glitches, etc. These examples are typically not due to lack of skill at all, but nevertheless occur and result in the player's death, causing anger. The resulting rage is referred to as pro rage.

Person B: Dude, stop noob raging or I'm going to mute you...
Person A: It's called PRO RAGE, spunkwad.

by Nullifi3d June 29, 2015

soo pro

1) adj. - can Be used tO descRibe someone who IS talented

2) YoU be used as a statemeNt to comment on somethinG someone has done

soo pro

by sooPro inc. June 24, 2011

pro vom

the abrev form of projectile vomit.

"Some girl didn't make it to the bathroom and pro vommed all over my bathroom door!"

by MG Piz February 25, 2009


A Facebook Update that was introduced onto IFTTT on September 10, 2020, that locked all free users behind a metered paywall. Something that used to be free for many years isn't free anymore. The only free stuff you get for non-subscribers is three applets and that's it.

IFTTT Pro is a horrible excuse to waste your money on. That makes it feel like IFTTT was purchased by Electronic Arts.

by The Real Driller September 17, 2020

Pro Swatter

who calls the SWAT Team to raid a persons house And are very good a doing it

example - Chum managed to Swat her house 10 times the dude is a pro swatter.

example - Chum and koozi are pro swatters the fbi couldn't even stop them.

by ChumLUL December 16, 2020

pro chillin

super cool(awesome)

Dude, that guys such a good skater, he's so pro chillin.

by Sezicky January 4, 2011

Bp pros

Beer pong pros. Yup, when your really really good at beer pong, you get named this.

Dude sally and jen owned bob and rob in beer pong last night!
Ya, they are bp pros for sure!

by runrunrunrunfast January 1, 2010