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Sneaky Pete

When you fall asleep at the toilet and someone gives you a blowjob while you are sleeping.

Yo dude, I think Lucas gave me a sneaky Pete last night.

by Chaddington Thundercock December 17, 2015

12πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

sneaky russian

when you fuck a girl until she dies then you cover her in vodka and chocolate syrup then light her on fire and throw her off a cliff into a playground

"yo i saw Cathy this weekend, and i gave her a sneaky russian"

by juss_peachie May 7, 2007

64πŸ‘ 74πŸ‘Ž

sneaky link

When you meet with someone without anyone knowing except you and the person.

Sneaky link me and mark

by Timbs March 8, 2017

3841πŸ‘ 5433πŸ‘Ž

sneaky peaky

when you are bangin a pregnant chick and a baby pops out and yells sneaky peaky bicth

dang cracka i was smackin this pregnant hoe and shiz the we go into it and sneaky peaky it was there!! O SHIZ
(.Y.) ahaha cracka

by j and g crackas for life September 17, 2007

15πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

sneaky beaver

A classic tactic employed by ugly girls who have a hard time getting any, the sneaky beaver is when said girl slips some roofies into your drink and takes you back to her place. As you gradually come to a few hours later, you wonder what your penis is doing in this stranger's vagina. Then it hits you, "shit, it's the sneaky beaver."

"Dude, I woke up last night mid-bone with Julia. That bitch got me with the sneaky beaver!"

by keats!!! January 15, 2010

20πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Sneaky Ninja

A Sneaky Ninja is the act of defecating on an unaware preferably sleeping being. Anywhere on the abdomen, genitals, or face are perfect spots to secrete your waste on the unsuspecting victim. Sneaky Ninja’s are usually used as a form of revenge, although some find it rather arousing. It is best to perform a Sneaky Ninja after a hot Mexican meal, or a large dinner.

Thanksgiving can be the ideal day to perform a Sneaky Ninja; most people consume quite a large portion of food on this day, resulting in extra fecal production. Turkey also has an astounding effect to make people extra tired and fall into a deeper sleep. Both of these aspects together results in a rather satisfying Sneaky Ninja.

Some have been known to perform a Sneaky Ninja on homeless people when they can not find a public restroom fast enough. This is what we call a β€œDire Sneaky Ninja” because the producer is in dire need for the relief of bowel movements. So much so that they needed to lay waste on the unsuspecting homeless.

All in all most find shittin’ on a bitch, whether for pleasure or pain, is truly a satisfying experience.

"Yeah I woke up with shit on my chest today. Turns out Jennifer Sneaky Ninjaed me for losing her CD!"

"After losing that card game and not paying up we Sneaky Ninja'd that bastard!"

"Damn! I gotta wash these sheets, that was potent Sneaky Ninja!"

"Shit! There are no bath rooms around! Oh thank god there is a hobo for me to Sneaky Ninja on."

"Yeah I was just sleepin' on the street and some little punk took a dump on my face! I heard it's called a Dire Sneaky Ninja"

"Hey isn't that Mike!? Let's Sneaky Ninja him for stealing Melissa from me!"

by Dr. Daniel O. and Dr. Steven F. February 21, 2006

20πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Sneaky Pete

When your cat dies and your mother buries it in the backyard without telling you.

Mike was freaking out because his mom pulled a sneaky pete and he didn't get to say goodbye to cat.

by Mtyzeidy March 24, 2010

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