When a chick finally gets dick but he only lasts 30 seconds
Eric finally put out but it was a flat tire Sitch.
When someone feels the need to speak highly of themselves, to increase their worth.
Person 1: Yeah, I am pretty awesome at soccer, after saving all of those goals.
Person 2: That, or you have some good defenders.
Person 1: Hey, hey...just let me pump my tires, okay?
A state of fatigue so terminal that you cannot roll another foot, having all the shapely utility, bounce and style of a flat tire, the air completely taken out of you.
Another day, after another sleepless night, feeling so deflated that no air hose, pressure gauge or patch could address his flat tire-dness. Yet he'd get through it, for sure, he'd do everything needed of him, as he's done yesterday, and the day before, and the... day...... before........... huh?! Me?? Yeah, no, I'm awake! Just turn the key, give it a little gas... sure, let's go.
A shithole of a business in a deplorable, undesirable, shithole of a Spanish minority neighborhood that specializes in used tire flat fix repairs with a unqualified clueless staff of barely legal employees that do not pay taxes because they did not know they would have to. Often trashing the local neighborhood and only speak English when you have to pay for services rendered. But well known for their world renowned free air pump.
Jose was the proud owner of the Dominican Tire Shop that had no clue what they were doing.
Thank god for the free air pump at the Dominican Tire Shop.
When you’re so tired your eyes are as small as a shrews!
Damn martin, you have the tired eyes of a shrew!
Your very tired and instead of d*mn you said dang, because we don't curse
I'm dang tired