1. A more assertive form of saying yee which in itself is a form of saying yes.
2. Extreme agreement.
"Do you think hedgehogs have a cute smile?"
~ yees
The thing all my friends which are graffiti artists say, especially on other peeps' pieces.
"I just put up a huge mural in the abandoned SFNO!"
"Dude I flicked your train last night out the window of the restaurant I work at!"
Yee is meme originating from the Italian dub of Dingo Pictures' Abenteuer im Land der Dinosaurier/Dinosaurs/Dinosaur Adventure that was edited, focusing on characters Peek and Oro.
The original Italian dialogue is the following (Credit to Know Your Meme):
Peek: Mamma e papa' hanno un nuovo bebe' e non se ne fanno piu' niente di te!
Oro: Yee, come puoi dire una cosa simile, la maggior parte di noi fratelli o sorelle, i genitori amano tutti i figli allo stesso modo.
Here is an English translation:
Peek: Mom and Dad have got a new baby and they aren't doing anything to you anymore!
Oro: Yee. how can you say something like that, the majority of us, brothers and sisters, the parents loves all their children in the same way.
The meme blew up in popularity in 2012 with the original 'Yee' video.
Peek: Mom and Dad have got a new baby and they aren't doing anything to you anymore!
Oro: Yee. how can you say something like that, the majority of us, brothers and sisters, the parents loves all their children in the same way.
A meme that was in a show called ‘dinosaur adventure’ and a dinosaur (peak) says wa multiple times, and the second dinosaur (Oro) says Yee at the end. Means yes, yeah, or sure to the answer of a yes or no question. Most people refer to it as the Yee dinosaur.
“Hey did you get your first win on fortnite?”