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Gay Date

Engaging in a day of frivolous activities with close friends, while having the time of your lives. Sharing hearty laughs and special moments that will last a lifetime. Esp. at a park, beach, boardwalk, or coastline with scenic views.

Helpful accessories: Kite, Digital camera, Ipod (with speakers), Sunscreen, Towels/blankets etc

Let's have a gay date in Long Beach! I'll bring the tunes, you bring the kite, we'll have a blasty!

Popular example = this scene at the end of Anchorman:

"We are laughing!

And we are
very good friends.

Good buddies sharing
a special moment."

"Don't say anything, Ron.
Just let it happen."

"We're laughing,
enjoying our friendship...

And someday we'll look back
on this with much fondness."


by Danny Dyce September 12, 2006

36πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Dating the Internet

Dating the internet: Verb:
1. The act of having a relationship with the internet through watching/reading porn.
2. Being in a "RP" (Role play) relationship.. (Some people disagree.)
3. Telling people that you are dating some one from another town, but really.. They sit at home and watch/read porn.

<Hayate> Have you been dating the internet..?
<Itachi> >.>
<Itachi> Maybe...
<Itachi> <.<
<Hayate> Dude.. Get a life..

by Atrum Kyoushin December 30, 2006

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Feeling unusual after drinking random, opened drinks; a term used by inexperienced drinkers that blame their black outs on being roofied. Symptoms are described as headaches, pain, sleepiness, feeling delerious, partial numbness, loss of motor skills and/or brief periods of dyslexia

I was feeling a little date-rapey when I left the bar yesterday, which is strange because I only had two cocktails.
I felt all date-rapey after I drank that water some strange girl left at my house.

by Felonlicious March 18, 2013

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Dating purgatory

That awkward stage when you are seeing someone and you have yet to have "the talk" about what the two of you want.

girl 1: so what is going on between you and what's his name?
girl 2: well we go out on dates and we're friends, but we haven't had that talk yet.
girl 1: oh, so you're in dating purgatory.

by cdfv April 26, 2010

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quasi dates

Half or Part dating someone.

An ex-girlfriend boyfriend, that you still hang out with, because there smokin hot.

by Scrike83 August 23, 2005

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disney dating

1. When your in a confined or limited area that forces you and others to invade each others personal space, or "bubbles".

2. Also, when your in a confined or limited area that forces you to get to know, or interact, with the people around you - usually in awkward or uncomfortable ways.

1. "Dude, my English-1A class was a total case of disney dating...way to many people were trying to add that class!"

2. "Dude, the hauted mansion elevator at Disneyland is a perfect example of disney dating. I was sandwiching some girl I didn't know because we were so packed in."

3. "Man the presentaion room was so packed I had to stand in the back with the rest of the disney daters. The dude next to me smelled so bad...but I did get the chicks number next to me."

by blizzardengle September 10, 2010

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instant date

When two people go out for a date and if they don’t like what they see, they bounce.

Man 1: β€œman I went out for an instant date”
Man 2: β€œoh yeah? How was it?”
Man 1: β€œThought she would look like Halle Barry but instead looked like my big toe so I dipped”

by Dianalynnis April 11, 2023

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