Some one who thinks they have it worse over another person. They snap and complain on how you couldn't possibly relate because you haven't been in their position.
Did you hear about the recent case up in that small town Idaho? It's caused such waves that everyone and their dog has an opinion about how things should be done.
Each one being a piss ant, nothing will get accomplished at this rate.
Someone who gets on your nerves, someone who is aggravating, someone who always doing something to get under your skin
This girl I know is a total, piss ant
Phrase used to describe one who is acting like they have a ball sack for a brain. This is not considered a bad word, but may be offensive to some.
Jp is such a piss ant! What the shit!
an Icon.
Hey have you watched Ante Vrankic’s new tiktok video?
No I hate him
We cant be friends anymore..
1👍 1👎
It is the best way to STRIKE UP a wonderful rapport with FIRE ANTS.
I need to tell THE CHAINSMOKERS that a FIRE ANTS RIMJOB is a no fail NATURAL SEX ACT of forever attraction of these very intelligent creatures.
A beastly death metal song by the band Lupara.
No Pity On The Ants is wicked. Period.
or, 'ant farm adventure,' is an alternate term for a videogame in the 'Metroidvania' genre.
I checked my map and realized I was in an alien ant farm.