When your fart is so loud, startling, and sudden that it causes your dog to bark.
The dogs barking again. When I left the room Did Lauren have a bark fart?
sending a quick email with no information in the body text. Often just Subject or Attachment
Karen is a cold person. The last time she broke up with someone, she barked an email to him.
A sass bark is when your dog is barking, usually at something stupid, and you tell them to stop and, then, they give you one, final, low bark, to get in that last sass bark.
My dog is a little brat as she gave me a sass bark after I yelled at her to stop barking at the leaves blowing in the wind.
Barking Spider- An elusive species, the Barking Spider is the only species of spider that can be found all over the world. This spider is especially attracted to spicy food. This spider is most abundant at Indian, Mexican, and Thai restaurants due to the use of hot peppers and seasonings.
When threatened, the spider will release a nauseating stench that has been known to make people throw up. Before it releases the gas however, it will “bark”. Scientists don’t know how the spider does this as no specimen has ever been caught. It still eludes us to this day
What the hell was that?!
It’s those damn barking spiders again
The act of passing gas and then blaming it on tiny eight legged creatures living in the walls.
Wow did you hear those barking spiders.
If someone is roasting you say "bark dog" barca fans love this.