Becky is sometimes used a slang term for cocaine. Comes from “white girl” another slang for coke.
Damn are we all partying with Becky tonight?
A code word for an atheist in the state of Tennessee.
Hey, are you Becky? I'm looking for other secular people in the bible belt.
The name “Becky” derives from Hebrew descent alternatively meaning “captivating” although captivating may be used in a positive sense, the word dates back to the early 16th century where the word was most commonly associated with slugs (specifically the movement). Hence the strong connection between slugs and the name “Becky”.
Look at that slug! Moving hella Becky!
A Black woman or a Black girl who loves Black men and she hates white men. She hates white women and white girls, too. She never hated Black men.
"There's different kinds of becky. Some becky talk like a white girl and other becky talk like a black woman. Some becky live in the hood and other becky is suburban. Some becky hard working and other becky lazy af. It's all becky to me."
Used to describe a short white female. They usually pretend to be ‘indie’ or ‘emo’ to cover up for their basic personality. They can commonly be seen wearing fishnets tights, a staple of their breed. A Becky can always be seen with a boyfriend. She is normally very popular and is surrounded by people of the similar type.
Boy1- ‘have you seen that new girl Becky? She’s so indie and cool’
Boy2-‘nah fam she’s a sket who pretends to be interesting for coitus’