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carbrini casual

A carbrini casual is someone who thinks they're cool but they're just a wee ned

Oy mate do you see him ? He looks like a carbrini casual

by Karimor lad April 13, 2016

Casual cereal

A bowl of cereal that has enough milk to have a second small bowl of cereal without adding more milk

I ate some casual cereal while I watched saturday morning cartoons

by DrDominator16 September 21, 2022

Casually Tickling Toes

A Kid that Tickles pickles, toes and ass. He breaks his pasta and makes the pasta water into ice cubes and puts it into more pasta water. He puts pineapple on pizza and also puts toenail clippings in the cheese for more of a crunchy texture.
He fatter than the sun even though the sun keeps expanding. He has the most gravitational pull that if we send into space the world with revolve around him. He likes a kid that is 8 years old and likes men in a se*ual way. He wants you and Your toes. RUN RUN NOW!!! RUN

Person1: Is that person Casually Tickling Toes

Person2: I think he is as he is eating their toes.

by obamaratio3342lbzooz42 October 22, 2022

Casual User

A person who only uses the most mainstream of items related to the thing they are using. Often casuals will annoy more hardcore fans of things

Billy: I just got a new computer with X amount of ram and a Y brand processor!
Sean: Woah dude, I don't know what that means I'm only a casual!
Billy: *Glare* "He told me was good at these things, but in the end he's only a casual user..."

by Definitions deluxe March 5, 2012

Casual Gamer

Gamers who spend more time whining on a game's forums that they specifically aren't being catered to, or that they have to put in effort to get rewards from the game, than actually playing the game.

Why are you being such a casual gamer? if you spent as much time playing the game as you spend complaining, you'd have the reward you wanted.

by Palpatine July 10, 2022

Casual Gamer

A casual gamer only plays games casually. These are the people you see playing 2K or some other sports game all day long and nothing else. Hardcore gamers have a much bigger library and tend to play shooters, sports games, strategy games, and much more.

Friends: "Hey, Did anyone hear about the new Battlefield coming out? We were thinking of trying it out!"

Casual Gamer: "Nah, I tried to play the beta (lying) and uninstalled it because the game I always play (2k and nothing else) is much better."

Friends: "Dude, all you ever play is 2K. You're such a casual gamer."

by Iplaytonsofgames October 17, 2021

Casual Good

A dumbfuck who is DOGSHIT at Smash Ultimate who doesn't know how to shield, grab, air dodge, escape a Joker combo, or how to not SPAM SMASH ATTACKS AND FUCKING GET KILLED BECAUSE OF THEIR DUMBFUCKERY!!!!!

Me: I win again!
Me: Stupid ass, you did not ask that question you stupid casual good FUCKFACE!!
You: Dam

by Churros_XD July 6, 2024