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Ray Charles it

To do something fuckin sick without the use of your vision

Threw a sticky grenade in a grav lift and blew up a motherfucker, Ray Charles it

by Baldragoeatspussy December 5, 2021

The Charles effect

The Charles effect is named after Charles Leclerc, Scuderia Ferrari Formula 1 driver. It is used to describe when other F1 drivers wear a bandana as a headband and look mighty fine.

The Charles effect makes Lando looks incredibly attractive!

by sssaaarrrxxx January 9, 2022

Risky charles

Showing signs of being not CIS (for example wearing spikes) in Poland even tho your uncle told you it's a small town and people like to talk

Remember Celina? She pulled a risky Charles and fucking died

by xXpussaySmasher69Xx August 24, 2021

Charles Syndrome

Suddenly catching man flu on a morning after a heavy night out on the sauce

Suddenly catching man flu on the day between a public holiday and a weekend

Sorry Boss but I can't come to work today as i have been diagnosed with Charles Syndrome.

by Jack Tor S December 5, 2016

Charles Starkweather

Teenager Charles Starkweather went on a killing in the 1950's in Lincoln NE. His first kill was over a teddy bear. Charles hates everyone.

Charles Starkweather hated everyone, give him is damn teddy bear.

by Murder is fun June 27, 2017

Charles james

Charles James is fit and kind but he doesn’t realise it, he’s very funny but he’s a f*cking weirdo who would piss on a bus.

That guy is a charles James, so bloody retarded but nice

by Sunshine and moons August 6, 2020

gabriel charles

A prince by blood by also a high end man by heart. He needs a partner to bring out an unseen side of him. He has a distant personality which is not shown through pictures and just as that is distant so is his true love. I would imagine even as far as Australia. An intelligent and sporty girl. The two are worlds apart but she brings out the unseen side to him which will create massive benefits for Belgium and the world. I can never be sure on the name but my best guess would be a Lara there are two things I’m sure on is that if he is to read this he needs to find her. Secondly her last name will start with an S I’m sure.

Love is distant but love but with a little push love will find its way. Gabriel Charles

If there are any people you would like me to do a reading on please comment on it

by Future I tell January 9, 2019