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pussy control

When a man has complete control over his woman. The woman will try her hardest not to make him mad.

Dude, you gots pussy control over yo bitch.

by Johnny Morrow October 7, 2003

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Pussy Control

When a man says anything negative to a woman, in order to control who she has sex, with so that she only has sex with him.

Man A: "You shouldn't date him, it makes you look like a slut."

Man B: "All you want is pussy control. Stop telling her who she can and can't date."

by Yessur091 November 23, 2011

17๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

Emotion controller

An emotion controller is somebody who judges and makes decisions about the eligibility of others' emotions and feeling states. An emotion controller grew up and still lives in a world of emotional dictatorship. Emotion controllers feel entitled to tell others explicitly and directly that their emotions and feelings are wrong, which is basically every time somebody speaks about how they are feelings. Emotion controllers prefer to judge and criticize harshly others' emotions with minimal background information. Emotion controllers do not communicate using compassion and empathy. They believe that others' emotions and needs are not important, and all decision based on emotions are wrong.

Sue: "I am really upset that Peter broke our engagement and called off the wedding because Betty has bigger tits and gives better head. I am 8 months pregnant with Peter's baby and I cried all night!"
Simone: "You are totally oversensitive. You have also invested way too much emotionally into the relationship with Peter. People break up engagements and call of weddings all the time."
Sue: "You have no compassion you heartless bitch. You are such an emotion controller."

Betty: "How are you? Have not seen you for a long while. How is life?"
Moni: "I am good, thanks. I broke off with my boyfriend because he spoke about his ex all the time. I am totally pissed off that he was obsessed with his ex. I feel so much better now that I am not with him anymore, and gave myself the chance to meet somebody who can appreciate and love me."
Betty: "It is okay if he talked about his ex all the time. It is not a reason to split up a relationship. You made a big mistake there."
Moni:"You are an emotion controller. You make me feel that my emotions and needs are not important."

by Peppina August 31, 2014

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Controlled Burn

Planning to share just enough information in a meeting so a potential troublemaker won't have much fodder.

Q. How come you're not showing the whole navigation scheme?

A. Tom's going to be there and he challenges everything; we've only got an hour so I'm going to go for a controlled burn.

by Daniel Ponech July 11, 2008

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Pest Control

An extremely popular mini game in RuneScape that pures took advantage of. The game gave ungodly amounts of XP. High level clans would get their worlds leaked resulting in a flood of pures who got their 50damage then sat and wait. The game has since been nerfed. Hardly anyone plays Pest Control now since the XP reward is bad.

I'm not making a pure because I can't freeload off the lvl 100s at Pest Control

by Trdpshr November 20, 2007

4๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

gun control

A steady hand.

Jim Bob has great gun control.

by Chris Locke May 1, 2003

270๐Ÿ‘ 1449๐Ÿ‘Ž

Control Weeb

Almost the exact same as a weeb but does not wish to be Japanese

:person: "I like anime but I dont want to be Japanese so I am a control weeb"

by My chosen name was taken October 6, 2020

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