This is for destiny you big fat white nasty smelling fat bitch why you took me off the motherfucking heart with your trifflin dirty white racist ass you big fat oompa loompa ass bitch i’m coming up there and i’m going to beat the fuck out of you bitch and don’t even call the police today cause ima come up there unexpected and wait on your motherfucking ass bitch i’m coming to beat the fuck out of you bitch cause you did that on purpose with your aundry racist white ass thin haired bitch watch i’m coming up there to fuck you up bitch i’m telling you watch I know what kind of car yo momma have I’m gonna wait on you and i’m going to beat your ass bitch cause ima show u not to play with ANIESAS FEELINGS .!
A slore and or cheater who can burn in hell since she likes playing with peoples hearts and nobody likes
She is such a destiny
Nobody likes a destiny
A badass girl from the book cloudfall chronicals. She tries to be cool but she’s a clutz. She is often funny and tries to hide it with a laugh!
Look destiny triped again!
“ Oh 😂 lol!”
Literally so beautiful. Like jaw dropping beautiful, even if she doesn't think so. Especially her hair, even if its messy it's still pretty. Also out of pocket, you could be having a normal convo and she'd be like "do u think people with knife kinks enjoy getting robbed with a knife.." it's still funny tho. Honestly has really good music taste. She's also very insecure, and doesn't see her beauty as she's just had an unfortunate past. But the past doesn't matter now, it's the present. Also she has many simps, just she don't know since nobody approaches her. She's so quiet it's hard for others to approach her some times. She also struggles with anxiety and depression but just know it's ok. I'm here. Anyways love you!
Destiny's so gorgeous why do most people not realize it..
Destiny The girl who will steal your heart even when you're not wanting to give it away. She'll make you smile all the time and always be there for you when you need her, even after you've been a total ass. The girl who has a boyfriend who's writing this for her to see one day randomly.Destiny A badass who doesn't give a fuck what you think about her. She's intelligent, powerful and sexy. She can be quite cold from time to time since she doesn't really have a good hold on her emotions and that's one weakness about her - a weakness she wishes she didn't have because she always regrets her cold actions at the end of the day when she's alone. She's a fighter and a competitive one at that. She doesn't like to lose. Guys flock around her because of her beauty and natural charm. Kind to those who deserve her kindness and a bitch to those who don't deserve it. Has strong morals and would be an amazing girlfriend that'll most likely be hard to handle. Think you have the metabolism to handle her sex drive? Good luck man. This girl is perfect in every way even though she will use the incessant phrase, "I'm not perfect." Deep down she knows she is and sometimes it scares her because she doesn't want to do something that messes it up. Confident, powerful, sexy, smart, competitive, over-achiever, sassy, pertect, beautiful and strangely vulnerable. Yeah, those are all words to describe Destiny.
Is a bald headed roach who can’t beat anybody, she looks like Schwoz and Beetlejuice plus they stank