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dirt lip

Usually freshman or softmores in high school who let little buds of hair grown between their nose and theire top lip. They seem to not care it's there.

Man, that freshman has such a dirt lip.

by Jay October 3, 2003

24๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Squirt and Dirt

The sexual act in which a man excretes his man cream all over a womans face.Then takes her head and slams it into the soil of the earth, thus allowing the dirt to stick to her face. Once her eyes roll back into place from the shock, you smash a clay pot over her head and prance away merrily.

Man: Hi my little rose bud. Whatchya doooin?
Unsuspecting Woman: Oh nothing dear, just planting these flowers in my garden.
Man: I got somethin for ya.
Unsuspecting Woman: What is it honey?
Man: The Ol' Squirt and Dirt! SURPRISE!

by masterofburns November 3, 2007

72๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dirt Ass

D.A. for short. Dirt Ass is another term for white trash or redneck. The terms "white trash" and "redneck" have become too romanticized and accepted over the last decade and as a result white trash have gained a false sense of pride in their terrible choice of lifestyle. Dirt Ass is also a great term because white trash are not that familiar with it. Another fact about Dirt Asses is that they either hate black people or they pretend like they are black, there is no in between.
-Habitat: Typically, but not exclusively, low income areas. Trailer parks, crappy apartments, rural ares, etc.
-Physical appearance: "Dirt stache", "mullets", "rat tails", shaved heads, ratty long hair, greasy, bad tattoos, leg tattoos, sores from drug use, etc.....
-Common Dirt Ass clothing: Jean shorts, hunting camoflage (year round), Dale earnhardt t-shirts and faux leather jackets, novelty t-shirts, air brushed t-shirts, wife beaters, generic jerseys, really wide skateboard shoes with wide laces, anything from walmart, any type of "wigger" or "guido" clothing, and much more....
-Common Dirt Ass behavior: Drug use, littering, smoking, drinking (cheap beer and alcohol), swearing with no regard for anyone around them, road rage for no reason, fathering illegitimate children, opening their legs for anything that lives and breathes, starting fights for no reason, kicking people when they on the ground and much more.
-Dirt Ass lifestyle: They totally disregard everything and everybody. They are terrible parents. Their failings in life become the source of their anger. Their anger is then directed toward everybody who isn't them. They always think they are right. They lack self awareness. They hate successful people. They don't consider the consequences for any of their actions. They love complex carbohydrates, and much, much more.
-Groups full of Dirt Asses: Skinheads, KKK, wiggers, guidos, nascar fans (not all fans), etc...
-Activities Dirt Asses love (not exclusive to Dirt Asses): Snowmobiling, Atv's, hunting, racing, fathering illegitimate children, drug use, listening to Larry the cable guy, etc......
-Famous Dirt Asses: Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Kevin Federline, Paul Wall, Eminem, Gretchen Wilson, Larry the cable guy, etc.....
-Dirt Ass sayings: "Get er Done", "you don't know me", "whatever", etc....
-Common Dirt Ass sightings on tv: Jerry Springer, Maury Povich, CMT, MTV, American Idol, Mixed martial arts shows, etc....

-Nice "dirt stache" dirt ass!
-Yeah, smoke in your car with little kids in the backseat, you Dirt Ass!
-Nice camoflage. Hunting season is over Dirt Ass!
-Larry the Cable Guy is not funny, Dirt Ass!
-Quit acting like your a rapper, you wigger Dirt Ass!
-Why don't you use a little more hair gel, you guido Dirt Ass!
-Quit blaming other races because your a moron, you racist Dirt Ass!

by N.Ar. January 16, 2008

49๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

dirt skeeter

A male who has never been hunting or fishing, but claims to be country. Can often be found driving a "built wheeler" usually a Toyota that can hardly do the speed limit. They break hearts as fast as they break truck parts. Wears diamond earrings and claims any girl who doesn't sleep with them is a mud cricket.

This town is full of dirt skeeters.

by wheelerwieners March 9, 2017

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kick the dirt

The act of fucking dark objects such as negroes. Stemmed from the heart of Peotone welding class, kicking the dirt is frowned upon in a white community.

"so uhhhh...basically its when you and a thing of color get to fucking, hence, kicking the dirt"
"Hey! Do yall niggahs kick da dirt????"

"You should kick the dirt dude! (fuck a black bitch)"

by Noah Cuthbertson September 27, 2023

9๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

dirt road

the brown eye from atlanta to boston

When the main road is red, take the dirt road instead.

by adfa May 5, 2003

56๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

dirt friday

(noun, verb, adjective) Weekly holiday in which extreme beligerance occurs. Jager Bombs kick off the opening ceremonies which are followed by a slew of vodka drinks. Closing ceremonies include: passing out, blacking out or throwing up (aka getting skinny). A custom made bracelet, hand crafted and imported from Mexico must be worn during the events. Warning: Frequent group hugs, tears, dance partys, toasts or chokeholds may occur.

Dirt Friday- some things are far far too good to come to an end.

by ms sixty May 12, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž