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A10 Children

a genetically prefect child, the parents are both peak humans with exceptional health, height, motabolism, athleticism and looks creating the perfect off spring.

if miss universe and gigachad had a child they'd produce some A10 Children

by Obmaa January 3, 2024

children wore there dirty shoes

Children wore there dirty shoes

Children wore there dirty shoes

by Children wore there dirty shoe December 5, 2021

the noob children

4 little noobs aspiring to take over the world alongside their parent, nuggets.

the noob children kidnapped my goldfish!!! HELP!!!

by jimmybiscut74 April 8, 2021

karaoke children

Many children trapped in a boom box.

Oh no Timmy's birthday has so many karaoke children!

by Raven_CD September 1, 2022

Dumb children

Just dumb children

"Wow those are some dumb children"

by Idefinewordscauseican September 6, 2021

YOUR Children

Zere not YOUR children... Zere OUR children...

Hym "Yeah, see, but you're not communist about YOUR children... You're communist about children in general. Look at Matt's little Catholic dwarf conniption fit over the drag queens. Are they subjecting your kids to sex, Matt? Or are they subjecting your kids to men dressed like clown-women? Because I don't think of sex when I see drag queens Matt. You know what I though the last time I saw a drag queen? I thought 'Is that Ru Paul's drag race?... Oh, yup. That's still coming out with episodes?' And then I went outside and ate some gummy worms and had a cigarette. And I didn't think about drag queens again until now. Your kids are home schooled. So the kids you're talking about aren't even yours! I mean, coming from a guy who obsesses over the idea of other people imposing their worldview on his kids, you sure do like imposing your worldview on other people's kids. And in the form of jailing drag queens no less! That's nuts! You're a fucking nut job! You know, you guys didn't seem this crazy back in 2017. This got very dystopian very quickly."

by Hym Iam January 7, 2023

A basket of children

More than a few, less than several.

I’m going to have a basket of children and raise them to hate chocolates.

by bebebobo9889 April 20, 2024