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A word describing effeminately the literal definition of something fantastic, used mostly by the homosexual community.

Person 1: "Oh my GOD! Look at this! Do you think Jessica has seen this purse yet?"

Person 2: "No, I don't think so, you should buy it and quick because you already know that fat bitch always draggin your style!"
Person 1: "Yaaas bitch you already know cause this bag is glitterally amazing."

by EarlUxbridge July 4, 2015

Glitter chicken

A glitter chicken is another name for the very colorful and shimmery looking peacock bird.

Yesterday at the zoo I found A very colorful glitter chicken feather to go in my brim.

by Less Moreland May 29, 2018

Glitter spider

When a man ejaculates on someone's face and throws glitter over the cum.

He glitter spidered my face last night

by Haha hahaha September 2, 2020

Glitter cricket

Also known as A city slicker or a person who makes you think they know what being country's like or to work on vehicles but to scared to get there hands or boots dirty.

Dont be a fucking glitter cricket..

by Notaglittlercricket April 2, 2020

Glitter cricket

Often know as a city slicker or a glitter chigger but for both sexes

Or a guy that say he knows what hes doing with cars, trucks, or hunting but really dont like to get his hands dirty or his boots.... just a glitter cricket....

Fucking glitter cricket....

by Notaglittlercricket April 2, 2020

Glitter Gang

Two people that are extremely happy together. They do things differently from most couples yet seem to function better than other’s

Those two are honestly the Glitter Gang

by Mel-0 April 30, 2018

glitter nutz

a title only used by those of men who has transcended to the pinnacle of humanity

1.its a bird its a plain no its GLITTER NUTZ
2 if i dip my nuts in glitter can i call myself glitter nutz

by titty dick sprinkles November 26, 2023