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7th grade girls


Do you see those 7th GRADE GIRLS? They're idiots and they are really mean. You probably are a middle school disaster.

by yamuter_69 November 16, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

This One Time In 8th Grade

When a hot chick is on you and you are about to lose your moyd or have to tend to your intestinal calling, tell your friend "this one time in 8th grade" and he will tackle her or otherwise remove her bodily threat.

(Your stomach cramps and then discharges) Uh this one time in 8th grade.... <TACKLE> *Friend rushes to his bathroom and is saved*

by TNT June 26, 2004

16๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

My grade 4 photo


Ew I hate my grade 4 photo

by fendee November 13, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Delran 8th grade Dance?

Will you go to the 8th grade dance with me, mallory?

โ€œmallory, lets go to the Delran 8th grade dance?โ€

by horny nemo October 8, 2019

Daniel 9th grade campus

The principle is a dick stole my fucking juul and dab pen hes mad his 5 year old daughter has a crush on me the girls are hoes cough* cough* trinity terrel cough* they fuck every dude in the place. the place is full of gay white boys who juul hit box mods and braid each others pubes in the fuckin shower. Home to a dope fucking druggie named aiden bandy he trips on acid in the middle of class cross faded w lean he smokes in the restrooms and makes them smell fucking dank and he hates durnil bc durnil is gay asf. btw aiden created this.

mr.Durnil: tity fuck the lasagna Daniel 9th grade campus

by Aiden Bandy BITCH October 15, 2019

pettys nautical grading system

a special network set up for special sam that helps him with his stupid study also he gets nautical zeros (-115) on test that he fails and didnt study for

so sam got a nautical zero on his algerbra stupid study test

by PNGS October 22, 2004

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Above my pay grade

An answer to a question that means a higher ranking official has to answer the question

An answer that is unacceptable for any US President, or Presidential hopeful to give.

Barack Obama says answering the question of when a baby gets "human rights" is "above my pay grade"

by Personal Responsibility via FR August 18, 2008

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