A Griffin is a mythical beast, it is half lion and half eagle, since it is not real we don’t know how it should look like if it was real, what I think it would look like it would have a head of an eagle, body of a lion and huge wings the color of the body (head is white. And body brown, also tail looks like a fan-)
John: Hey! What’s your favorite mythical creature?
Alice: A griffin!
John: What are those?
Alice: They are half lion half eagle
John: Cool!
The best bloodline. Better than the Joestars. Full of comedy and compassion, the Griffin family comes from Ireland 8 generations ago made popular by the famous adult cartoon, Family Guy.
He is funny, Loving, Cute! But he will hurt you in the end. Everyone loves Griffin but watch out for people like him.
I hate griffin for everything he has done to me but I love him for everything he has done for me
So so amazing and incredible, extremely handsome and may like feet but it’s okay because he’s so sweet and funny and has super cool interests and talks about them will IMMEDIATELY make you fall in love with him
Griffin is so cool I love griffin
Griffins are very sarcastic and wholesome. They are super nice, but lacks confidence. He tries to make lots of friends, but is generally looked at as different by all.