To suffocate another using a plastic bag filled with starting fluid
I didnt like him so I gave him an Albuquerque Hello.
When you greet somebody with a Tash bag full of ether and put it over their head and wait for them to pass out and burry them alive.
A man in Eunice gave his wife the Albuquerque hello.
Slang for old fashioned telephone. In the Deep South, when it rang, a servant would pick up the receiver and say hello, isdatyou?
It rings, the answers picks up handle and says hello statue (is dat you)?
Hello Monkeys, also a greeting to the saiyans, this shows true dominance, or to the black races.
The saiyans wanted to be noticed by Frieza senpai, they did Frieza said, Hello Monkeys then blew them up.
(greeting) What a blind man says when walking in close proximity to a fish market.
Zippa-dee-doo-dah, zippa-dee-day... Oh! Hello, girls!
Saying hello to the color yellow, often used by cats
You see that yellow wall?
Hello yellow!
1. It is used to flirt with a good-looking girl.
2. It is used to taunt a girl when she does something stupid or ridiculous but imagines that she has done something remarkable or heroic, and is well pleased with herself about it.
The girl taunted is expected to correct herself or give an explanation for what she has done after this is said to her.
The taunt can be followed by further questioning using "why," "what," when" or how."
When you want to taunt a guy, you say "Hello hero!?"
1. A hot girl stands close by at a party and you say "Hello heroine. Wanna dance with me?"
2. You are sitting in your friend's car and your friend overtakes other cars at 90 miles/hour by changing lanes in a ridiculous zigzag manner and you say to her "Hello heroine!? What are you doing? We could have gotten into an accident there."
Your friend cockily replies "But we didn't, did we?"