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male infantile homosexuality

a disorder in male babies that makes the baby refuse to latch on to their mother’s breasts. This is common in premature babies who were in the NICU after they are born. See, gay men hate breasts, while straight men like them. So if a male baby doesn’t suck on their mom’s breasts, they are gay.

I diagnose your baby with male infantile homosexuality

well shit

by Kanye Southeast November 18, 2023

Homosexual Siren

A person, who is a male, who is trying to lure a straight male from being in love with females to changing their ways of a "straight male" to being in love with males. They use words such as, "Hey daddy", "Hey pretty" and "How are you baby girl". If the plan is a success, they turned the straight male into a homosexual. You can stop them from being trapped by saying the sentences, "I am not gay, I am straight and I only like women" and "I do not feel comfortable with you saying things like that, please stop". If you say these sentences, they become weak, the more you say the sentences, the more weaker they'll become.

Friend (Homosexual Siren): Hey daddy.
Friend (Not a Homosexual Siren): Dude how many times do I have to tell you!? I am not gay, I am straight and I only like women!
Friend (Homosexual Siren): Woah calm down!

by Eldarion7713 November 28, 2023

The homosexual wheelbarrow

The homosexual wheelbarrow is when two partners of the same sex get in doggy style then the person fucking pick up their partners legs and wheels them around as they walk on there hands like a wheelbarrow

Oh shit look luke is doing the homosexual wheelbarrow to that dirty old slut

by OneFour123 November 5, 2020

reductio ad homosexual

A fallacy (a part of ad hominem) when someone dismiss speaker's argument and attacking speaker's personality by using LGBTIQ+++ slur

A: (Finishing presentation) Any questions or opinions?
B: That's so gay <= B deliberately doing reductio ad homosexual by using LGBTIQ++ slur to attack A's personality and dismissing A's argument

by Sir. B February 16, 2021


PEDOPHILES who are attracted to grown ups of the same sex.

No matter how many showers I took to clean MY DICK it was impossible to clean because I am a SMELLY HOMOSEXUAL but I know I am not alone.

by NEW BISEXUALITY July 28, 2021

Fatherless Homosexual

Jedediah Baker

Jedediah Baker is such a fatherless homosexual

by nuts in my dads mouth April 9, 2022

gay homosexual lovers

Gay homosexual lovers is the word to describe every character from the anime, “Haikyuu”.

Hey bro did you see those gay homosexual lovers?”
“Oh yeah are you talking about Tobio Kageyama and Shoyo Hinata?”

by Yeahhimgayperiod February 24, 2021