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Jenna Cyr

Jenna is the most beautiful girl you'll ever see. She has the greatest political views and has an amazing taste in music. Jenna can take any song and after a single listen, she knows exactly what it means and it will blow your mind. Jenna is the most amazing person you'll ever meet but she likes to say she's a hot mess to make life more fun. Jenna is the greatest person to be around and she loves spreading peace and love to anyone she can.

"omg have you seen how beautiful Jenna Cyr is?"
"Ugh yes she's such an amazing person."

by Miles567 July 28, 2017

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Jenna Halas

Jenna Halas is a sexy bitch. She is awesome at everything and is in a word HAWWWWTTT she has a nice ass and is always at a friends side she is totally and completely perfect... Until you get on her bad side she will cuss you out and kick your ass if you do something to her or her friends so watch out boys Jenna Halas is coming through.

Guy #1 Dammmmmmmm she hot

Guy#2 That's Jenna Halas duuuu

by Kkpeace11 March 9, 2013

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Aiden and Jenna

The cutest couple ever. Everyone is jealous of their relationship

Girl: have you seen aiden and Jenna

Girl 2: arenโ€™t they the cutest?

by Dedham July 18, 2019

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Aiden and jenna

If u wander what a kid with a massive forehead and a unbelievably long chin and is also a midget and but at the same time barely 6 foot, but also has tiny teeth and a paper thin nose would look like ,just let Aiden and jenna have a kid.

Just a joke don't take too seriously

Aiden and jenna this is a joke

by The freaking dopest person ali April 22, 2023

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man that girl is a jenna c

by MattyDandruff January 5, 2018

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Jenna Dawe


jenna dawe is perfect

by jayden hails October 10, 2011

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Has a few friends
Hates new things

James: Dang Jenna is a useless mongrell

by Johnnyjames April 7, 2017

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