A noun. It is a liar who likes to make people feel like she is the victim when actually she is a backstabbing bitch. Just cause her family meme we died doesn’t mean she can act like she is the boss because she is a nobody with horrible braces and a fucked up personality that nobody will live in the end
Lexie Edge is a bitch that will end up in the ground if she keeps talking about people.
don't send me streaks cause i dont care at all and the dude with the most drip and the drip plug
ay ean lexis is over there lets get dripped to the max
MY girlfriend, a name only gabe can say :), shes mine btw not urs. mine
gabe-I love you lexi-poo sussy wussy baka :)
you came here after finding dirty alexis
damn that dirty lexi fucked me up last night
Samantha Sack’s platonic mother and bestest buddy. Loves to take random videos of people being stupid and is very in love with her boyfriend. Comes to Sam’s house only for Louie and Squid Game.
“Yo, did you hear about Lexie Mitchell’s private story? “Yea, it’s always just Samantha”
The best tik toker ever
Goes out with an ugly freak called Aidan👺
‘who is simply.....lexie?’
‘she is the best tik toker’