Source Code

Lincoln Memorial

The act of rubbing a strippers clitoris on the main stage with a $5 bill for ummm safety reasons

Yo did you see Bush almost got kicked out of the strippy last night? He gave the girl on stage a Lincoln memorial and the bouncers were not too happy about it

by StripGuy May 28, 2019

Memory foam biceps

A steroid user who thinks he is big

That roid head thinks he's big but he's got memory foam biceps.

by TdogTheWelshman April 25, 2021

Merged Past-life Memories Syndrome (MPLMS)

A condition, in which someone accidentally mixes past-life memories from separate past-lives into a memory from one past-life.

'Like many reincarnated people, I think that I had a bad case of merged past-life memories syndrome (MPLMS): I was confused that my past-life memories from my past-life as a muse were from my past-life as a mermaid, until I figured that these memories were from separate past-lives.'

by DianaLuciusDeCollis September 10, 2022


This Fwineee person is nice, but will still get on yo ass. Memory is a nice, smart, inspirational, and Friendly person, but just know she will steal yo bitch, so is i were you i would have a good watch out. Memory is sneaky like she would take sum without u even knowing.

Have you heard of Memory, you better watch out!

Memory is a nice person.

by Memoryyy June 23, 2023


A nice person who is sometimes crazy. They call themselves ugly, but sometimes their bestie says otherwise. They're a goofy person who can draw pretty good. You need to comfort them as much you can because they need it. Memory will protect you from whatever it can without hesitation. Stick them beside you for a long time because you'll need it!

Kara: I think I have a crush on Memory....

Sunny: You go and tell her! Memory will probably say yes.

by WeebTM_has_no_life May 13, 2020


Broken the truth goes unspoken
I've even forgotten my name!
I don't know the season or what is the reason
I'm standing here holding my blade!

Dude1- Memories-
Dude1- ಠ _ ಠ

by WeebooMeeboo November 25, 2022


Something unforgettable left inside someone. It's hard to get rid of.

Miles: I will never let you go. You'll be in my memories.

Zach: I'm just moving down the street, Miles.

by AlecT January 11, 2022