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Nig Nog

Nig nog is a term derived from the racial african slur Nigger. Nig nog is a nigger who has a small penis.

Yo check out that Nig nog with his pants off!

by Salty Midg3Tt January 5, 2010

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Nig Hole

Another name for an anus or rectum

Wow, that chilli really hurt my nig hole this morning.

by yellowled24 August 9, 2016

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A name commonly used by African-American and/or Wigger frat bros to describe a close friend or homie who may be also be of African-American descent.

"Yo dog, who is that black man chillin' by the shed over there next to the beer pong table?" - Frat Bro

"Chill out holmes thats my Bro-Nig , Theodore, from the frat across the street" - Black Frat Bro

by BigCrumz August 16, 2009

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Nig Dance

The dance after a football player makes a big play, or scores a touchdown. almost always of black decent.

terrell owens scored a touchdown, and immediately after, did the nig dance.

by Klauie March 10, 2011

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Nig Nogs

The most legendary Snapchat group name ever. Usually filled with pussy hungry white boys and the odd awkward black dude

Yo send that vid of you pissing on the wall to nig nogs, it’s hilarious!

by KarsonBee December 11, 2019

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Nig of Time

A common alternative (identical meaning) to the saying "Just in the nick of time".

Not to be confused or conflated with "The Nick of Time".
The Nig of Time is a well dressed negro man with the ability to control time and believed to be an apostle of the great prophet Aunt Jemima.

Portrayed frequently in the Aunt Jemima texts, his role is often disputed among denominations and scholars of the Aunt Jemima Chronicles.

The most common definitions depict The Nig of Time as a time altering figure knowing the exact coming of the Anti-Jemima, ultimately leading to the apocalypse.

"You got here just in the nig of time!"

"And the Nig of Time said unto Jemima, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick puff cloud, that the people may hear when thy speak with thee, and cookest thee pancakes for ever."

by zhz December 18, 2006

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nig nogged

To be nig nogged is to be extremely tired.

Yo man i don't think i can go out tonight im nig nogged.

by Oz Dogg May 23, 2008

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