Honestly used when talking about a guy named Trilyen
Trilyen . He’s just DIFFERENT from others
A: and B: drives are floppy disks, C: drive is a happy face and the local drive, D: drive is a sad face and disc drive for dvds, e: drive is an sd card, the others are USB
that was the list of Different drive types
Leeiwestein (Sometimes: Livestein, Levin) — The surname has Jewish and Russian roots, descended from the Russian surname Levin, from the palm plant Livestona, originating from Southeast Asia and Oceania.
Russian: Ливестеин, ударение: Ливесте́ин, читается как: Ливестэ́ин.
english: Leeiwestein, Sometimes: Livestein, ac (emph): Leeiwestе́in.
Leeiwestein — Surname, spelling forms in different languages.
The proper attribution or way to describe introverts. Introverts are not antisocial, they are simply differently social.
Shy folx are not antisocial. They do infact socialize and engage with people. Their approach to social engagement is different. Shy folk or introverts shouldn't be labeled antisocial; they should be referred to as differently social.
A very unpopular Roblox player who is incapable of spelling the world "perspective". He is known for eating cashews and crying at the bee movie.
Person 1: "Have you heard about Different Prespective?"
Person 2: "You mean PERSPECTIVE?"
Person 1: "Nope, I'm talking about Different Prespective. The guy who spelt Perspective wrong.
Person 2: "OOOOH! Bruh, I don't wanna talk about anybody who cant spell Perspective.